Violet Panna Cotta
By Magical Food Department for WytchWood
Cooking time:10 min Total time:2-3 hours
Serves 4-6 witches
Kitchen Witch Tip:when you are working with agar agar, always remember that you will have to add that to cold liquids. Otherwise the panna cotta will not set.
✾ Ingredients
5 tbsp cornstarch
2 cups of oat milk + 5 tbsp extra (to make a paste)
3 tsp vanilla extract
zest of 2 lemons
400 ml whipped coconut cream
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
pinch of salt
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp Violet BlodeuweddWytchwood maple syrup
Optional: vegan purple food or turmeric coloring/powder
✾ Magical method
First prepare your paste to thicken up the custard. Add to a small bowl: 5 tbsp cornstarch, 1 tsp vanilla and 5 tbsp oatmilk. Whisk until fully smooth.
Grab a medium sized saucepan and put the heat medium-low. Add the remaining vanilla, your coloring of choosing and lemon zest. If you want to add a little freshness, squeeze in half of the juice as well.
Pour in your maple syrup and add a little salt to the mix. Whisk until combined.
Heat up this mixture but not boiling. Whisk in the cornstarch paste and stir with a whisk and when lump free, grab a wooden spoon and mix. Set your heat a little lower and let the paste cook out and until fully thick.
Grab a metal bowl and cover with cling film. Let cool to room temperature and then put in the fridge for at least 2 hours but preferably overnight.
Whip up your cold coconut cream the next morning and put your (now looking very weird custard) into your food processor or blender until silky and smooth again. Fold in the cream until beautifully fluffy and gorgeous. Serve immediately or let it set up to fully get cold.
Garnish with edible flowers and favorite fruits. And an extra pour of magical maple.